Asia Pacific Cultural Center's youth program is an important part of our community services and mission. Our cultural team of staff and volunteers work hard to give our youth participants a positive and inspiring atmosphere.
Throughout the year we have several diverse programs designed for specific youth groups. Below are samples of what we offer.
Interactive Cultural Workshops and Presentations
We offer hands-on workshops and presentations that teach about Asia Pacific art and culture. Our presentations are held at many different venues: the APCC building, K-12 schools, colleges, museums, senior living or retirement homes, private companies, agencies, military bases, and many other locations.
Field Trip Visits
Schools and other children and youth organizations from throughout the state visit APCC to see the building, artwork, cultural artifacts, and participate in hands-on culture and art demonstrations.
Promise Leaders of Tomorrow (PLOT)
Engages and supports low-income Asian and Pacific Islander youth in Pierce County who are at risk of dropping out or failing out of high school. We help them to overcome barriers such as gangs, violence, drugs or alcohol, behavior problems, and other issues so that they stay in school and graduate. We provide mentorship, wrap-around services, and cultural connections to guide them on the path to success in school and in life. Please visit our PLOT page for more information on this program.
After School Tutoring and Youth Leadership Group
Students meet twice a week on campus to work with program staff and volunteer tutors and mentors. The first hour includes organized group activities for leadership, team-building, job readiness, and life skills workshops. Afterward, students can get tutoring, homework help, college and career planning, cultural performances, and other assistance.
Asia Pacific Youth Summer Learning Program
This Summer Learning Program helps Asian and Pacific Islander high school students to get jobs in the Summer, teaching them job readiness, life skills training, providing career exploration, engaging them in volunteer community service activities, and helping them to gain work experience through summer jobs. Students gain valuable knowledge, work experience, and earn high school credit from their Summer Job. We work with students to get them to enroll in Summer School at various high schools or doing credit retrieval at home.