APCC - 3513 East Portland Avenue, Tacoma, WA 98404. Register early; space is limited.
Experience an extraordinary adventure like no other at the Summer Cultural Youth Camp
hosted by the Asia Pacific Cultural Center!
We invite young adventurers aged 5 to 13 to submerge themselves in a lively blend of
cultures hailing from Korea, Thailand, Samoa, and Khmer. Each day, from 10 am to 2 pm,
participants will embark on a thrilling voyage of exploration, where they will witness the
vibrant traditions, captivating customs, and delectable flavors of these diverse Asian Pacific
regions spring to life.
A sampling of cultural activities:
• Dress in traditional costumes
• Instrument making and playing
• Play traditional games
• Learn to make tasty foods
• Clay making
• Storytelling and songs
• Painting and making headpieces
• Martial arts - Muy Thai Boxing
• and many more activities
For more information, please call us at 253-383-3900 or go online to register at
• Ages 5 - 13
• One child family - $50,
• Two children family $75,
• Three or more children in a family $100
Cultural lunch will be served.